electron microprobe analysis造句
- Castaing ( 1921-1999 ) is considered the " father " of electron microprobe analysis.
- Monazite grains are identified by electron microprobe analysis ( EMPA ) by mapping concentration of distinctive Ce in monazite.
- More recently the curators used electron microprobe analysis and X-ray diffraction to see just what substances they were dealing with.
- For analysis of apatite for the Deicke bentonite layer, they collected 36 grains from two different locations and used electron microprobe analysis ( EMPA ).
- Graph showing the cluster of data, with a ?2 ? uncertainty, from the Electron Microprobe Analysis of apatite crystals found in the Deicke and Millbrig bentonite layers
- It's difficult to find electron microprobe analysis in a sentence. 用electron microprobe analysis造句挺难的
- The Nanoscale Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Properties Lab is a laboratory on University of Maryland, College Park campus, dedicated to determining the structure and properties of materials at the nanoscale using electron beam technologies, including [ transmission electron microscopy ] ], scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Electron energy loss spectroscopy.